The Air Conditioning Mistakes Most Households Make

Air conditioner units are pretty simple in theory. You switch it on, set the temperature, and let them work their icy magic. Realistically speaking, air conditioners are much more complex than that: even the smallest mistake or fault could cause a huge problem for your entire unit and the comfort of your home.
Everyone enjoys cooling their home, but as cooling experts, we’ve noticed there are some mistakes that nearly every household makes when it comes to their HVAC system:

Improperly Sized AC Units

Bigger is not necessarily better when it comes to your air conditioners. An oversized unit can actually consistently cycle on and off, which creates a larger amount of energy used as well as uncomfortable temperature changes. If your unit is too small on the other hand, it may not have enough cooling capacity and your unit will wear out quicker than it should.

If you are in need of a new air conditioner, make sure to hire a professional that does an accurate load calculation in order to determine exactly how much cooling capacity your home requires. Proper measurements done by an HVAC professional will ensure you receive a unit that is perfectly sized for your home's needs.

Incorrect Positioning

You may want to hide your HVAC system away from plain sight, but doing so could actually force the machine to work harder than it should to cool your home. Opt for a shady spot to put the air conditioner; the less sunlight, the better. Window-mounted units should also be tilted back to allow for drainage outside the home without being blocked by shrubs to allow the machine to ventilate properly. Additionally, you should make sure your unit is positioned away from any heat-emitting appliances such as lamps and televisions, this will make sure the thermostat is not picking up heat from these objects and work harder than it needs to.

Running Units 24/7

Your AC does not need to be on full-blast all day long in order to keep your home cool! Everything needs a break once in awhile, and opting for windows or ceiling fans instead of using your air conditioner will give the unit a rest until you really need it. Also, if you know you won’t be home for most of the day, raise your thermostat by a few degrees to conserve energy. It only takes your AC a few minutes to cool the home once you’re home, so lowering the temperature once you’re home won’t be a bad thing.

If you do plan on being away for a long period of time, investing in a WiFi enabled smart thermostat such as the Nest may be a good idea for your household.

Letting Outside Air In

Using the windows is a great energy efficient method, but don’t combine it with leaving your AC on! Whether you’re letting hot air in during the day or bringing in cool air at night, your air conditioner will need to work harder to fight against the humidity in the air to cool your home down. If you want to open the windows, make sure to shut your AC off, and close your windows when it’s time to turn the AC back on.

Not Scheduling Routine Maintenance

Depending on the model, your air conditioner may be able to run on its own for an extended period of time, but it will eventually need some TLC. At Rescue Air Heating and Cooling, we offer routine inspections at private residences in the Dallas and Richardson areas. Customers can schedule a routine air conditioner maintenance appointment during the day, but we also offer emergency repairs on a 24-hour basis. Call us today at 972-201-3253 to schedule an appointment for a furnace or air conditioner inspection.